We spent a lot of time swimming this summer. Caden loved this boat and would often fall asleep in it.

What a cutie! She was 1 month in this picture.

Another one of our favorite things to do is play football in the back yard.

We decided we have too many kids and not enough bedrooms so Shay and Craig started this wall for Titan's new bedroom. We have a large loft upstairs and we only need half that space for our family room so we decided to turn the other half into his room. Soon we will have 5 bedrooms! We are almost done. I will post pictures soon. I can't believe how much work it is to put up one wall! Shay has worked almost everyday on this for a month now! He is such a handy man!
Happy Birthday Titan! He got his own room for his birthday from us!
Jana is working on the wall with Dad.
Nothing better than some Birthday Cake!
Happy 9th Birthday Titan! He is such a special kid. He is always looking out for others .We had a family party for him and then for some crazy reason we invited 10 of his friends over for a camp out in the back yard. Wow that was a crazy idea! Titan had a good time though
We sold Scout o Rama tickets and Titan ended up selling 140 tickets! He is an amazing Scout. He loves scouting and all his friends that are in there with him. He has a pretty awesome Cub Master too!
Sweet little Jana Rose! She is an angel. She is such a good baby. She is so peaceful and calm. I love having her! She is 2 months in this picture.
Caden LOVES trucks. It is so nice because he will spend hours playing with them. He is ALL boy.
Here is another one of our favorite things to do. Jump on the tramp with the sprinklers on!!