Santa ate the cookies and left a huge mess!
Yea! Corbin got a nerf machine gun!
Caden's favorite gift was the candy in his stocking.
He was eating them faster than we could open them!
He wanted me to open two of them. I guess one at a time wasn't fast enough!
Orion's new shirt. Bagugan? Whatever those round things are. I can never say it right. The boys laugh at me. They think I'm so old!
Titan's new hat. Tennessee Titans!
Little miss Jana had a great time. She got a Cinderella Snow Globe from her Daddy.
Shay's grandma got us this neat smiley face pancake maker. The kids love it!
He always makes us laugh!
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. We sure did! I feel so very blessed to have such a wonderful family. We enjoyed Christmas Eve. We went Christmas caroling and looked at Christmas lights. Then we came home and opened our Christmas Eve gift, (PJs!) made some cookies for Santa and read the first Christmas story in Luke. On Christmas morning we decided to do things different this year. We opened one gift at a time and gave hugs and thank yous. It was really a great morning! I love Christmas. Can't wait until next year!