Saturday, November 29, 2008


This is our mad little Indian!

Corbin is our CRAZY Indian!
All our little Indians!

This is our Charger fan Indian!

Our sweet baby !
We have a tradition, every Thanksgiving , to make Indian vest and hats out of paper bags. We have done it for years. Every Thanksgiving the kids will ask "When do we get to make our vest." After they make their vest and hats they run around making Indian sounds. It is so much fun!
There are so many things I am thankful for. I love my family. I have read Pres. Monson's talk on finding joy in the journey over and over. I love it! I have been looking for all the little things that bring me joy. My children bring so much joy. I know our time with them is not long and so I am not going to stress about the little marks on the walls or the piles of laundry I have to fold, but I am just going to find all the joy I can while I have these sweet little children in my home. I am going to cherish every day with them and with my husband. I am also so very thankful for Shay. He is such a fun Daddy. He is my best friend, I couldn't live without him. I blessed to know I have a Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for Him. I have been blessed beyond what I ever could have imagined.


Anonymous said...

your boys are dolls! what a fun tradition!

Alice said...

How fun!! The boys look like they love it.:0)

Ricci Harvey said...

Hey The pictures are so cute! I start school on January 5th, I didn't know you went to cosmetology school, Ann said you got to go for free, that's neat. I'm getting scared though. I'm kind of wondering if I should start a family first. I thought it would be smart to get school over with but, everyone's having babies but me. . . What do you think I should do?

christine said...

what a cute tradition! that's great that they ask to do it every year. you guys have such good-looking kids.

Ricci Harvey said...

Sadly enough, I didn't qualify for any grants. Curtis makes too much money. But Curtis told me he wouldn't want to start trying to have kids until like two years after I graduated and had paid off all my loans. I'm pretty seriously considering not going, and working soley on my photography. I don't think I can go without a baby for 2or 3 years:). Anyway I have some things that make me feel like I shouldn't go. I'll have to tell you about it later.

Shannon said...

What a great tradition!

Amelia Smith said...

You have the cutest little family! I love this tradition, it's such an awesome idea. It's cheap, easy and FUN... how can you beat that?